2 Messages


26 Points

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 3:50 PM

Building a Future Proof Strategy with Offers and Orders

Offer and Order Management is the talk of the airline town, so to speak, these days.  Because of that, we need to make sure that airlines have the right tools to put together a strategy that helps them today as well as into the future.  In this Phocuswire interview, I answered some questions on how to make that a reality.

What do you think about these strategies?  What are you prioritizing at your airline to make this a reality?  What role do you see technology playing in this strategy?

Let's keep the discussion going!  Tell me more about what you think on this!

3 Messages


30 Points

5 months ago

Great interview Justin! I really enjoyed your explanation of offer and order management at the start of the video. We take this for granted internally, and it is incredibly important to remind everyone of what offer and order are and why they are important. The Seinfeld reference is great! You should embed the clip...

And the conversation on AI! Glad this came up in the discussion.